Experiential Graphic Design for Isthmus, Photo, David St George.
Photo, David St George.
Experiential Graphic Design for Isthmus, Photo, David St George.

246 Queen

Design Team
Andre de Graaf
Andrew Mirams
Fetu Warena Ese
Naomi Rieger
Nick Kapica
Rose McShane
Russell Hooton-Fox

2023 Auckland Architecture Award

Created by Isthmus for Isthmus, this design embodies a genuine and transparent use of materials, leaving ample space for individuals and projects to infuse life into the environment. The design team adhered to a philosophy of accomplishing just enough - crafting a minimal viable product that can evolve as new opportunities emerge and the studio progresses. A central pathway runs the length of the area, distinguishing between enclosed, purpose-driven zones and flexible, open spaces. Expansive curtains enable users to transform the environment, soften its boundaries, and customize it to their requirements with a touch of theatrical flair. This area is intended for nurturing and strengthening partnerships. Upon entering, visitors step onto an abstracted whāriki, a woven mat traditionally found in Māori gathering spaces. The taki toru pattern is simply applied with factory floor tape. Language acquisition is woven into the space’s experience, with kitchen drawers doubling as bite-sized lessons. Wall-sized typography utilises paint rather than vinyl, as a more authentic and sustainable option, traversing the central thoroughfare of the office, spanning doorways, and overlaid with bicycles. ‘Isthmus’ is seamlessly integrated with the architecture and interwoven with the activities the space facilitates.