+ Aaron Miller, Frank Hoffmann, Dan Racle
+ Helen Kerr, Sean Burke, Damian Powley
+ Russell Hooton-Fox
+ Russell Hooton-Fox
+ Russell Hooton-Fox
+ Russell Hooton-Fox
+ Russell Hooton-Fox
+ Liam Collinson, Iris Gramegna
+ Aaron Miller
+ Aaron Miller, Frank Hoffmann, Dan Racle
+ Andre de Graaf, Brad Ward
+ Aaron Miller, Frank Hoffmann, Dan Racle
+ Liam Collinson,  Iris Gramegna
+ Aaron Miller, Frank Hoffmann, Dan Racle
 + Liam Collinson,  Iris Gramegna
+ Aaron Miller
 + Naomi Riegger, Sam Fraser
+ Andrew Mirams, Celia Goldsmith, Finn Forstner, Frank Hoffmann, Helen Kerr, Nik Kneale, Noni Diez, Scott McKerrow
+ Sophie Jacques, Iris Gramegna, Dan Racle
+ Sophie Jacques, Iris Gramegna, Dan Racle
+ Naomi Riegger, Emilia Gribben
+ Naomi Riegger, Sam Fraser
+ Frank Hoffmann, Iris Gramegna, Dan Racle
+ Frank Hoffmann, Dan Racle
+ Andre de Graaf, Kate Walker
+ Helen Kerr, Sean Burke, Damian Powley
+ Frank Hoffmann, Iris Gramegna, Dan Racle
+ James Pattullo, Iris Gramegna, Celia Goldsmith
+ Julia Anderson
+ Oriane Merindol, Frank Hoffmann
+ Julia Anderson
+ Helen Kerr, Sean Burke, Damian Powley
+ Andrew Mirams, Celia Goldsmith, Finn Forstner, Frank Hoffmann, Helen Kerr, Nik Kneale, Noni Diez, Scott McKerrow

is a design studio that harnesses expertise in architecture, graphic design, landscape architecture, and urban design. As Principal I brought an ‘experiential graphic urbanism’ approach to leading projects. I strongly advocated for a transdisciplinary approach introducing a UX design thinking methodology for both architecture and urban design. This included developing methods to prototype and test future urban experiences with users in realtime. As Director, I assumed a central role in shaping the studio’s evolution, I contributed to reimagining how the studio selected and won projects, and facilitated new approaches and engagement across a diverse range of project types.