My commitment to education has been a constant throughout my design journey. Since 1996, I’ve had the privilege of teaching design and leading teams at esteemed universities across the globe, from Germany and Switzerland to the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. My teaching portfolio spans a wide range of subjects, encompassing cross-disciplinary studies, scenography, graphic design, typography, experience design, and design thinking.

In 1996, I co-designed an interdisciplinary course at the University of the Arts Bremen, merging design, fine art, and music. This course later became part of the Integrated Design programme.

In 2008, I designed a new Visual Communication Design program at Ravensbourne College of Communication in London, with a focus on Typography, Interaction, and Design Thinking. 

Joining CoCA in 2009 I taught in both the Graphic Design and Spatial Design programmes.I also took on leadership roles, including Subject Leader for Graphic Design, where I united fragmented teams and consolidated four subjects into Visual Communication. I served as Acting Program Leader for Visual Communication and later as Undergraduate Program Leader for Design. I advocated for the inclusion of Environmental Graphic Design, Service Design, Experience Design, and Interaction Design. I initiated the studio Open Lab at CoCA to provide a real-life design experience for students and graduates. 

In 2010, I joined a team at CoCA tasked with implementing significant change to its flagship programme—the Bachelor of Design (Honours). This resulted in a new vision for the degree that was both globally focused and culturally underpinned. The BDes(Hons) would address the increasingly permeable nature of the creative industries in the 21st century and equip graduates with the skillset to negotiate those industries. It would also reflect the culture and location of Aotearoa / New Zealand by meaningfully integrating Māori perspectives into the learning.

In 2013 I took the role of Academic Experience Designer, addressing various aspects of the student experience. This included starting the ‘Space Programme’ to enhance teaching techniques for the new Creative Arts Building, which subsequently influenced teaching methods across different areas. Furthermore, I promoted collaboration among CoCA schools through synchronised timetables, shared terminology, and the ‘toolbox’ system.

Senior Lecturer Design
Massey University, School of Design, Wellington

Guest lecturer
Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design
University of New South Wales, Sydney (UNSW)

Senior Lecturer Graphic Design
Ravensbourne University, London

Guest specialist
Exhibition design and scenography
University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (FHNW)
Institute of Interior Design and Scenography (IN3)

Guest Professor Intermedia Studies
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany